About Arielle Jessop

Meet The Artist

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I have always been drawn to creative practice. Ever since I was a child painting has provided me with a medium for self expression that feels truly authentic. Creating imagery is a means of communication: it relates beauty to the viewer through my own emotional relationship to the subject and artistic process.

A Relationship With the Natural World

I have a deep connection with nature. It calms me, inspires me and motivates me. Memory and mood are so dependent on our environment. I allow my work to be guided and informed by the seasons: when seasons change, I am reminded of how connected we are to nature. I follow how the light changes, how the air changes, and how these changes influence patterns of human life. Observing these changes gives me focus as an artist as I try to capture our human connection to the natural world.

My Roots

I was fortunate enough to be mentored by my late aunt, artist Beth Ellis. A skilled Plein Air painter, she taught me a love of creating work in the outdoors and capturing what we are feeling by putting in on the canvas. Plein Air is one of my favorite ways to develop my practice and stay connected to the subject I love to paint. When working in the studio and not from observation, I draw on my memories, creating abstract paintings of landscapes and objects provided by nature that are stored in my mind. In my abstract work I like to focus on capturing color, mood and feeling.

Food for the Soul

Through this love affair with nature, particularly farmland, I found painting food to be a natural progression in painting things that are meaningful to me. Local fruits, vegetables and farmers’ markets provide abundant inspiration for this part of my work.

My Philosophy

Visual art has become my language – it is the medium with which I have chosen to express my interpretation of the beauty found in the outdoors around us. Connection and communication, whether verbal or visual has always been of interest to me. My expression as an artist is the most powerful language I can learn because it affects people on multiple levels. One of my favorite things is when people recognize places that I have painted, or have a similar admiration for the aesthetic qualities of a particular fruit or vegetable. I believe we can all connect to each other when given the opportunity, and it is my hope that, by creating beauty, I can contribute to the phenomenon of connection, even if just through an image.

My work references a connection to nature that we all share.